AMP v. Myriad Reversal: IP Attorneys Weigh In
ASSOCIATION FOR MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY V. MYRIAD GENETICS (Fed. Cir. 2011): Claims directed to comparing or analyzing gene sequences should include one or more transformative steps as part of the claim.
by Brian Bathurst and Leah Molera

K. Brian Bathurst is a senior attorney in the Intellectual Property Practice Group of Carr & Ferrell. Mr. Bathurst's experience includes patent and trademark prosecution, litigation and licensing. Mr. Bathurst has extensive experience in several technological areas including biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical device, hardware, software and e-commerce.
Leah Molera is an associate in the Intellectual Property Practice Group of Carr & Ferrell LLP. Ms. Molera specializes in intellectual property law matters including the preparation and prosecution of U.S. patent applications, strategic intellectual property planning and patent portfolio management for both established and start-up clients.
The new patent is further proof of the technological prowess of Conio in blockchain digital asset management.